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    • 發布: 中公教育PMP培訓
    • 來源:PMP培訓
    • 2021-05-19 14:48:48
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    41. A project manager is unable to implement a project because the required resources are unavailable, The project manager is concerned that the project is coming to an end without completion of the deliverable. What should the project manager do?

    A. Refer to the register

    B. Update the work breakdown structure (WBS)

    C. Update the project management plan

    D. Escalate to the project stakeholders

    41.由于必要的資源不可用,項目經理無法執行項目。項目經理擔憂項目臨近結束,卻未完成可交付成 果。項目經理應該怎么做?

    A. 查閱風險登記冊

    B. 更新工作分解結構(WBS)

    C. 更新項目管理計劃

    D. 上報給項目相關方

    42. The project is over budget,but serveral opportunities to reduce the project’s cost were previously identified. The project anager would like to exploit these opportunities. Which of the following should the project manager review first??

    A. Risk register.

    B. Cost management plan.

    C. Change control system

    D. Risk management plan.

    42. 項目超出預算,但是之前已確定多個降低成本的機會,項目經理希望利用這些機會。項目經理應 首先審查下列哪一項?

    A. 風險登記冊

    B. 成本管理計劃

    C. 變更控制系統

    D. 風險管理計劃

    43. During the execution of a project that is at risk of falling behind schedule, the project manager learns that the company' s most skilled resource will be available from a project that finished early. The project manager insists that the resource be immediately assigned to their project team with the expectation of a positive impact on the project.

    What strategy did the project manager apply ?

    A. Exploit

    B. Share

    C. Accept

    D. Transfer

    43. 在執行一個處于落后于進度風險的項目期間,項目經理了解到,某個項目提前完成,公司中技能 最高的資源將可用。項目經理堅持讓該資源立即分配到他們的項目團隊,期望為項目帶來積極影響。 項目經理應用的是什么策略?

    A. 開拓

    B. 分享

    C. 接受

    D. 轉移

    44. A project manager plans to engage an external vendor to supply goods and services on a long-term basis. To protect the company and the vendor from future changes in costs, What type of contract should be used?

    A. Fixed price with economic price adjustment(FP-EPA)

    B. Firm fixed price(FFP)

    C. Time and material (T&M)

    D. Fixed price incentive fee(FPIF)

    44. 項目經理計劃聘用外部供應商。長期供應貨物和服務。若要讓公司和供應商避免未來的成本變更, 應使用什么類型的合同?

    A. 總價加經濟價格調整合同(FP-EPA)

    B. 固定總價合同(FFP)

    C. 工料合同(T&M)

    D. 總價加激勵費用合同(FPIF)

    45. When developing a risk management plan, what should a project manager do to identify risks?

    A. Establish ground rules.

    B. Review project documents.

    C. Evaluate the risk register.

    D. Review probability and impact matrix.

    45. 在制定風險管理計劃時,項目經理應如何識別風險?

    A. 制定基本規則

    B. 審查項目文件

    C. 評估風險登記冊

    D. 審查概率和影響矩陣

    46. A project manager develops a stakeholder power/interest grid. What level of engagement should stakeholder A receive?

    A Infrequent project updates

    B. Executive high-level project reports

    C. Regular face-to-face meetings

    D. Weekly detailed status reports






    47. A project manager includes quality audit reports on a subcontractor' s work in a project status report. Which tool or technique does the project manager use?

    A. Work performance information

    B. Expert judgment

    C. Contract change control system

    D. Procurement performance review



    B. 專家判斷



    48. A project manager joins a new multi-million-dollar project that requires deliverables from various departments to successfully implement. What should the project manager do first to successfully implement the project?

    A. Visit the client to ensure that all communication channels have identified for key client stakeholders

    B. Contract with an outside vendor who has already successfully delivered to the client

    C. Immediately identity the best resource to work on the project

    D. Perform a stakeholder analysis and conduct detailed requirements sessions






    49. A project manager meets with two key stakeholders who each identify events that will create significant project risks. With only limited resources available, what should the project manager do?

    A. Develop a risk-ranking table.

    B. Perform a qualitative risk analysis.

    C. Perform a quantitative risk analysis.

    D. Update the risk management plan.

    49. 項目經理與兩名關鍵相關方開會,這兩名相關方都識別到將產生嚴重項目風險的事件。由于只有有限的資源可用,項目經理應該怎么做?

    A. 制定風險排序表

    B. 執行定性風險分析

    C. 執行定量風險分析

    D. 更新風險管理計劃

    50.The project manager discovers an unpredictable high-impact risk has become a factor in the project.Self-interest among team members is keeping the issue from being reached,the project manager must act quickly to refocus the team and get the project on tack.Which of following techniques should the project manager use to resolve the issue?









