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    • 發布: 中公教育PMP培訓
    • 來源:PMP培訓
    • 2021-05-19 14:19:18
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    41. A series of products coming out of the assembly line have recently shown irregularities. The project manager needs to understand whether these irregularities are within the acceptable limits. Which tool does the project manager need to use?

    A. Histogram

    B. Pareto chart

    C. Ishikawa diagram

    D. Control chart

    41. 從裝配線出來的一系列產品最近出現誤差,項目經理需要知道這些誤差是否在可接受的范圍內。 項目經理需要使用哪些工具?

    A. 直方圖

    B. 帕累托圖

    C. 石川圖

    D. 控制圖

    42. A project manager working on the construction of a chemical plant briefs key stakeholders monthly. The project is progressing according to plan, but some key stakeholders are unhappy with the level of project status communication. What should the project manager do next?

    A. Distribute sufficient relevant information;

    B. Brief key stakeholders weekly;

    C. Revise the sender-receiver model;

    D. Review the communications management plan

    42. 在一個化工廠施工項目工作的項目經理每月應向關鍵相關方簡要報告。項目按計劃進展,但是有些關鍵相關方對項目狀態溝通水平不滿意。項目經理下一步應該怎么做?()

    A. 分發足夠的項目信息;

    B. 每周向關鍵相關方簡要報告;

    C. 修訂發送接收模式;

    D. 審查溝通管理計劃

    43. A project manager who works in a functional organization wants to build a strong team for the project. However, the functional managers have their own priorities and do not offer him the most experience resources. What should the project manager do next?

    A. Review the roles and responsibilities and update the training needs

    B. Consult the human resource management plan to validate these profiles and team performance assessment

    C. Follow the change control process and change scope of the project to adjust available resource

    D. Update the project baseline and communicate the delay to stakeholder about staffing issues

    43. 在一個職能型組織中工作的項目經理希望為項目組建一支強大的項目團隊,而職能經理們有他們 自己的優先順序,沒有提供最有經驗的資源。項目經理接下來應該怎么做?





    44. As part of your project plan you must develop an effective method of communication for your multinational team of stakeholders. You have several choices of media available. What is the appropriate action to take in the developing your communication plan?

    A. Use the standard media that has been in effect for your previous projects

    B. Use multiple forms of media to ensure that everyone receives the information

    C. Discuss the available options with the stakeholders and obtain their input

    D. Obtain additional funding from the project sponsor and develop a project specific communications infrastructure.

    44. 作為項目計劃的一部分, 你需要為你的項目中的多個國家的相關方制定有效的溝通方法。 你有多種溝通媒介可供選擇。要制定這樣的溝通計劃,你應該?

    A. 利用從前項目中可行的標準媒介。

    B. 利用多種媒介形式,確保每一個人都收到信息。

    C. 與相關方討論各種選擇,獲得他們的需求。

    D 找項目發起人獲得額外的資金以便制定針對項目的基礎設施。

    45. A manufacturing project is conducted under limited time constraints.At the point of delivery.A large batch of components must be scrapped,as they do not meet the industry minimum requirements.What should the project manager have done to prevent this problem?

    A. Surveyed the industry standards and enterprise environmental factors.

    B. Initiated quality audits to ensure that the planned quality assurance activities are followed

    C. Increased the focus on risk identification,mitigation and contingencies.

    D. Obtained approval from the sponsor to extend project time line.

    45. 一個制造項目是在有限的時間約束條件下開展的,交付時,一大批部件必須廢棄,因為他們不滿 足行業最低要求。若要防止這個問題,項目經理應該做什么?

    A. 調查的行業標準和事業環境因素

    B. 引入質量審計,以確保活動質量

    C. 提高對風險和突發事件的識別,緩解能力

    D. 獲得贊助商對延長項目時間的批準。

    46.A project manager ,newly assigned to project A, learns that the project is behind schedule due to insufficient resources. Economic constraints deter the company from recruiting new staff . However ,the project manager discovers that project B is nearing completion. To ensure the scheduled delivery of project A, what should the project manager do?

    A. Wait until project B is complete, then allocate the resources to project A.

    B. Negotiate and influence for the required resources.

    C. Require project B’ s team members to work on project A.

    D. Require project A' s team members to work overtime.

    46.項目經理剛剛被任命管理項目 A,了解到由于人力資源不足,項目落后于進度,經濟制約因素阻礙 了公司招募新員工。但是,項目經理發現項目 B 即將完工。若要確保項目 A 按進度計劃交付,項目經 理應該怎么做? ()

    A. 等到項目 B 完工,然后分配資源給項目 A

    B. 協商并影響需要的資源

    C. 要求項目 B 的團隊成員為項目 A 工作

    D. 要求項目 A 的團隊成員加班工作

    47. A project manager takes over a struggling project and learns that the team is frustrated by the way the former project manager interacted with them. The team was concerned that the former project manager made key decisions without involving them.

    What motivational theory describes the former project manager?

    A. Theory X

    B. Theory Y

    C. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

    D. Motivation-hygiene theory

    47. 項目經理接管了一個苦苦掙扎的項目,了解到團隊對前任項目經理與他們的互動方式感到失望。 團隊對前任項目經理在沒有團隊參與的情況作出關鍵決策感到擔憂。哪種激勵理論描述的是前任項目 經理?

    A. X 理論

    B. Y 理論

    C. 馬斯洛需求層次理論

    D. 激勵-保健理論

    48. Of the options below,what is the most significant action the project manager will take for a virtual team project?

    A. Send a project plan to all members.

    B. Develop a communication management plan.

    C. Obtain and analyze team members’expectations.

    D. Review the team members’skill.

    48. 以下各選項中,項目經理會為虛擬團隊項目采取的最重要的措施是哪一個?

    A. 將項目計劃發放給所有成員。

    B. 制定一份溝通管理計劃

    C. 獲取并分析團隊成員的期望

    D. 審查團隊成員的技能

    49. A project manager believes that the timing of employee breaks may have a direct impact on the quality contro1 department’s output. What tool or technique should the project manager use to study and identify this possible connection?

    A. Scatter diagram

    B. Quality audit

    C. Statistica1 sampling

    D. Histogram

    49. 項目經理認為員工的休息時間可能對質量問題控制部門的輸出具有直接影響。項目經理應該使用什 么工具或技術來研究和識別這個可能的關聯?()

    A. 散點圖

    B. 質量審計

    C. 統計抽樣

    D. 直方圖

    50. A junior project team member questions the methods in a proposal submit from another member.The argument between the team members now is threat to the project schedule.After careful consideration,the project manager agrees with the junior team member to modify the proposal.What method is the project manager using?

    A. Collaborate

    B. Smooth

    C. Force

    D. Withdraw

    50. 一位初級項目團隊成員對一位高級團隊成員提交的建議書中的方法提出質疑。這兩名團隊成員的 爭論現在威脅到項目進度。仔細考慮之后,項目經理同意初級團隊成員的意見,修改建議書。項目經 理使用的是什么方法?

    A. 合作 B. 緩解 C. 強迫 D. 撤退
