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    • 發(fā)布: 中公教育PMP培訓(xùn)
    • 來源:PMP培訓(xùn)
    • 2021-05-19 13:51:35
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    31. A project manager discovers that a project's earned valus(EV) is smaller than its planned value(PV),and that its EV is more than its actual cost(AC). To meet planned schedule and budget requirements, what should the project manager do?

    A. Release some resources.

    B. Submit scope change request.

    C. Apply resource smoothing.

    D. Consider fast tracking.

    31. 項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理發(fā)現(xiàn)項(xiàng)目的掙值(EV)小于計(jì)劃價(jià)值(PV),且其 EV 大于其實(shí)際成本(AC)。為滿足 計(jì)劃的進(jìn)度和預(yù)算要求,項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理應(yīng)該怎么做?

    A. 解散一些資源

    B. 提交范圍變更請(qǐng)求

    C. 應(yīng)用資源平滑

    D. 考慮快速跟進(jìn)

    32. A project is using separate contract options for the design, build, testing and deployment phases. The customer requires reports of the cost, schedule, and progress for each contract option. On what should the project manager base the decomposition of the work breakdown Structure(WBS)?

    A. Project life cycle

    B. Functional organization

    C. Product specifications

    D. Expert judgment

    32. 一個(gè)項(xiàng)目在設(shè)計(jì)、建造、測(cè)試和部署階段都是用單獨(dú)的合同選項(xiàng)?蛻粢竺總(gè)合同選項(xiàng)的成本、 進(jìn)度計(jì)劃和進(jìn)度報(bào)告。項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理應(yīng)以下列哪一項(xiàng)作為工作分解結(jié)構(gòu)(WBS)的分解基礎(chǔ)?

    A. 項(xiàng)目生命周期

    B. 職能型組織

    C. 產(chǎn)品技術(shù)規(guī)格

    D. 專家判斷

    33. You have just joined the project management office after five years of working on projects. One of the things you want to introduce to your company is the need to do WBS. Some of the project managers are angry that you are asking them to do extra which of the following would be the BEST thing you could tell the project work. Managers to convince them to use WBS?

    A. Tell them it will prevent work from slipping through the cracks.

    B. Tell them that it is not needed.

    C. Tell them it is required if the project involves contracts.

    D. Tell them it is the only way to identify risks.

    33.在具備了五年項(xiàng)目管理經(jīng)驗(yàn)后,你被調(diào)到項(xiàng)目管理辦公室工作。你向公司介紹的第一件事情就是制作WBS的重要性。- -些項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理很生氣,因?yàn)槟阍谝笏麄冏鲱~外的工作。為了說服項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理使用WBS你首先應(yīng)該怎么做?





    34. Which of the following is correct for the WBS?

    A. Work component descriptions are often collected in a WBS dictionary.

    B. WBS is the input of defining scope.

    C. The lowest level of WBS is work packages and cannot be further decomposed.

    D. The work not being included in WBS may not be outside the scope of the project.

    34. 下列關(guān)于 WBS 的說法哪種是正確的?

    A. 工作組成描述常常在工作分解結(jié)構(gòu)詞匯表中進(jìn)行歸集。

    B. 工作分解結(jié)構(gòu)是定義范圍的輸入

    C. 工作分解結(jié)構(gòu)最低層次是工作包而且不能再分解

    D. 工作分解結(jié)構(gòu)未包含的工作可能在項(xiàng)目范圍內(nèi)

    35. A project team collects a large number of requirements and must organize and prioritize these to complete their review and analysis. What should be used to accomplish this task? A. Nominal group technique

    B. Affinity diagram

    C. Delphi technique

    D. Facilitated workshop

    35. 項(xiàng)目團(tuán)隊(duì)收集了大量需求,必須組織并排列這些需求的優(yōu)先順序,來完成審查和分析。應(yīng)該在用 什么來完成這項(xiàng)任務(wù)?

    A. 名義小組技術(shù)

    B. 親和圖

    C. 德爾菲技術(shù)

    D. 引導(dǎo)式研討會(huì)

    36. What are the two main rules to follow during schedule crashing?

    A. Crash the activities on non-critical path and those that cost the least by crashing. B. Crash the activities on critical path and those that cost the least by crashing.

    C. Crash the activities on critical path and those that cost the most by crashing.

    D. Crash the activities on non-critical path and those that cost the most by crashing.

    36. 趕工期間需要遵循的兩個(gè)主要原則是什么?

    A. 對(duì)非關(guān)鍵路徑上以及趕工成本最少的活動(dòng)趕工。

    B. 對(duì)關(guān)鍵路徑上以及趕工成本最少的活動(dòng)趕工。

    C. 對(duì)關(guān)鍵路徑上以及趕工成本最多的活動(dòng)趕工

    D. 對(duì)非關(guān)鍵路徑上以及趕工成本最多的活動(dòng)趕工

    37. A project is seriously delayed. Earned value analysis shows that the project needs to be completed 10 percent faster than the work has been going. To get the project back on track, management wants to add 10 people to an activity currently assigned to one person. The project manager disagrees, noting that such an increase will not produce an increase in speed. This is an example of :

    A. The law of diminishing returns.

    B. Fast tracking.

    C. Earned value.

    D. Life cycle costing

    37. 項(xiàng)目已經(jīng)嚴(yán)重滯后。掙值分析的結(jié)果表明,項(xiàng)目的進(jìn)度應(yīng)該比當(dāng)前快 10%,為了讓項(xiàng)目回到正軌, 管理層希望增加 10 個(gè)人到原來只有一個(gè)人工作的活動(dòng)上來。項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理并不同意,因?yàn)樗J(rèn)為這種安 排不一定會(huì)導(dǎo)致項(xiàng)目進(jìn)度的加快。項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理所說的是:

    A. 收益遞減規(guī)律

    B. 快速跟進(jìn)

    C. 掙值

    D. 生命周期成本

    38. The project manager reports a to-complete index of 1.15. The budget at completion is US$1,575,000. The earned value is US$1 million. The planned value is us$985,000. What is the actual cost?

    A. US$985,000

    B. US$1,075,000

    C. US$1,061,957

    D. US$1,132,750

    38. 項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理報(bào)告一個(gè)完工尚需績(jī)效指數(shù)為 1.15。完工預(yù)算為 157.5 萬美元,掙值為 1 百萬美元。計(jì)劃價(jià)值為 98.5 萬美元。那么實(shí)際成本是多少?

    A. 985000 美元

    B. 1075000 美元

    C. 1061957 美元

    D. 1132750 美元

    39. Your manager gives you a project charter and asks you to begin working immediately and to provide her with a schedule. What should you do FIRST?

    A.Begin estimating the activities necessary to complete the scope of work.

    B.Begin creating a project scope statement

    C.Create an activity list and then begin to assign the activities to resources.

    D.Identify a team and obtain approval for their participation from their functional managers.

    39. 你的經(jīng)理給了你項(xiàng)目章程后要求你立即開始工作,并要求提供給她進(jìn)度計(jì)劃。此時(shí),你首先應(yīng)該 做什么?

    A. 估算活動(dòng)以確定工作范圍

    B. 開始制定項(xiàng)目范圍說明書

    C. 開始制定活動(dòng)清單,然后給活動(dòng)分配資源

    D. 確定團(tuán)隊(duì)成員,并從職能經(jīng)理那里獲得批準(zhǔn)

    40. The planned value(PV) of a project is US$10,000and its actual cost(AC) is US$8,000. If the cumulative variance is US-$2,000, What is the cost performance index(CPI)?

    A. 0.6

    B. 0.75

    C. 0.8

    D. 1.25

    40. 一個(gè)項(xiàng)目的計(jì)劃階段(PV)為 10000 美元,而實(shí)際成本(AC)為 8000 美元,如果累計(jì)偏差為- 2000 美元,則成本績(jī)效指數(shù)(CPI)是多少?

    A. 0.6

    B. 0.75

    C. 0.6

    D. 1.25



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