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    • 發布: 中公教育PMP培訓
    • 來源:PMP培訓
    • 2021-05-19 13:48:01
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    21. An organization is considering a project opinion which will cost $100,000 and take 6 months to deliver. It is foreseen that benefits will start being delivered at month 7 providing $20,000 per month. What is the payback period?

    A. Information is insufficient.

    B. 11 months.

    C. 5 months.

    D. 6 months.
     一個組織正在考慮一個項目方案,這個項目將耗資$100,000,用 6 個月交付。他們預測項目將從 第 7 個月開始盈利,而后每個月盈利$20,000。項目的回收期是多長時間?

    A. 信息不足 B. 11個月 C. 5個月 D. 6個月

    22.A construction company is contracted by the local government to bridge. The project manger completed the work breakdown structure (WBS) and now must estimate the budget. What tool or technique should the project manager use?

    A. Cost aggregation

    B. Reserve analysis

    C. Funding limit reconciliation

    D. Historical relationship

     一家施工公司承包了當地政府的一個橋梁建設項目。項目經理完成了工作分解結構(WBS),現在 必須估算預算。項目經理使用的是什么工具或技術?

    A. 成本匯總

    B. 儲備分析

    C. 資金限制平衡

    D. 歷史關系

    23. The development of a new software application had been completed on time and within budget although resources were new to the technology. During the code install, it was determined that certain aspects of the hardware needed to be configured before the new application could be utilized. The customer was incredibly upset and disappointed as this would cause a delay in the implementation. What could have been the cause for this situation?

    A. The customer did not request the hardware to be appropriately set up.

    B. The hardware configuration was too expensive and would have caused the project to run over budget.

    C. A work breakdown structure was not created adequately.

    D. The resources completed a three-week training course versus a more through six-week training course.

     雖然項目人員對技術都比較陌生,但還是在規定的時間和預算內完成了一個新軟件應用程序的開 發。在安裝代碼過程中,他們確定在新的應用程序可被使用之前,需要對硬件的某些方面進行配置。 客戶顯得非常沮喪和失望,因為如果要進行配置,將會造成項目的實施延誤。下列哪一項有可能是發 生這種情況的原因?

    A. 客戶未要求對硬件進行適當設置

    B. 硬件配置太昂貴將會導致項目超支

    C. 未充分創建工作分解結構

    D. 項目人員完成了三周的培訓課程而不是更為全面的六周培訓課程

    24. When defining and documenting a project's scope. What documentation should the project manager consult first?

    A. Project charter

    B. Enterprise environmental factors

    C. Functional requirements

    D. Business requirements


    A. 項目章程

    B. 事業環境因素

    C. 功能需求

    D. 業務需求

    25. Two project team members debate the best way to implement a deliverables. Both team members propose different approaches to fulfill functional requirements. They determine that the best approach is to gain an understanding of why the customer requested the product.

    What document will help determine this?

    A. ROI analysis

    B. Functional requirements document

    C. Work breakdown structure(WBS)

    D. Project charter

    針對實施一項可交付成果的最佳方式,兩名項目團隊成員進行爭論。兩名團隊成員對滿足功能要 求提出了不同方法,他們確定最好的方法就是要理解客戶需要這個產品的原因。下列哪一份文件能夠 幫助他們確定這一點?

    A. ROI 投資回報率分析

    B. 功能需求文件

    C. 工作分解結構(WBS)

    D. 項目章程

    26. A project charter is approved and the project manager wants to involve the project team to ensure understanding of all project elements. What should the project manager develop with the team?

    A. Human resource management plan

    B. Schedule management plan

    C. Work breakdown structure(WBS)

    D. Cost management plan

    項目章程已獲批準,項目經理希望讓項目團隊參與,確保理解所有項目要素。項目經理應與團隊 一起制定什么?

    A. 人力資源管理計劃

    B. 進度管理計劃

    C. 工作分解結構(WBS)

    D. 成本管理計劃

    27. A company wants to purchase customer data systems that can be used globally. Corporate procedures require data from different countries to remain independent. Where can the project manager find this information?

    A. Scope Baseline

    B. Requirements Management Plan

    C. Requirements Documentation

    D. Project Management Plan

    一家公司希望采購能在全球使用的客戶數據系統。公司程序要求來自不同國家的數據均應保持獨 立。項目經理可以從哪里找到這個信息?

    A. 范圍基準

    B. 需求管理計劃

    C. 需求文件

    D. 項目管理計劃

    28. A project manager estimates a new project’s duration to be 10 months. A similar project was delayed by 10 percent. According to the risk analysis, it is likely the new project will be delayed by five months.What is the realistic estimation of the new project’s duration?

    A. 12.5 months

    B. 11 months

    C. 11.5 months

    D. 13.5 months

    項目經理估算一個新項目的工期為 10 個月。一個類似項目曾延期 10%。按照風險分析,有可能 新項目將延期五個月。那么新項目工期的真實估算是多少?

    A.12.5 個月

    B.11 個月

    C.11.5 個月

    D.13.5 個月

    29. A project manager provides senior management with a status report. The project manager has developed a CPM diagram showing two activities with negative total slack. Which of the following conclusions can management derive from this analysis?

    A. The two activities are critical activities of the project .

    B. The project manager has miscalculated because it is possible to have at most one activity with negative slack.

    C. Late finish is less than late start for both activities.

    D. The project is progressing ahead of schedule since there are already activities with negative slack

    項目經理向高級管理層提供了一份狀態報告。項目經理制作了一幅 CPM 圖,其中顯示有兩項活 動的總浮動時間是負的。從該項分析中,管理層可以得出下列哪一項結論?

    A. 這兩項活動是項目的關鍵活動

    B. 項目經理計算錯誤,因為最多只有一項可能浮動時間為負

    C. 兩項活動的最晚結束時間都早于最晚開始時間

    D. 因為有活動處于負浮動時間,所以項目進度比計劃超前了

    30.The project team identified new business requirement for a software implementation project. However, the project has already completed the development phase and is currently in the testing phase. What should the project manager do next?

    A. Submit a change request to the change control board(CCB)

    B. Reject the change, as it may cause a project delay

    C. Update the scope baseline.

    D. Inform the project sponsor about a potential budget increase.

    項目團隊識別到一個軟件實施項目的新業務需求。然而,該項目已經完成開發階段,目前處于測 試階段。項目經理下一步應該怎么做?

    A. 向變更控制委員會(CCB)提交一份變更請求

    B. 拒絕變更,因為可能導致項目延期

    C. 更新范圍基準

    D. 通知項目發起人預算可能增加
