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    • 發布: 中公教育PMP培訓
    • 來源:PMP培訓
    • 2021-05-19 13:44:02
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    11. A project manager assigned to a new project must develop a budget. The project manager asks for assistance from a fellow project manager who worked on a similar project

    What tool or technique is the project manager using?

    A. Parametric estimating

    B. Reserve analysis

    C. Comparative estimating

    D. Expert judgment

    11. 項目經理被任命管理一個新項目,必須制定一份預算。項目經理請求一位曾從事過類似項目的資 深項目經理提供協助。項目經理使用的是哪種工具或技術?

    A. 參數估算

    B. 儲備分析

    C. 對比估算

    D. 專家判斷

    12. A project manager organizes a group activity to discuss a solution for a recent issue. At the end of the session, several ideas are generated and sorted groups for review and analysis. What group creativity technique being used?

    A. Brainstorming

    B. Delphi technique

    C. Idea/mind mapping

    D. Affinity diagram

    12. 項目經理組織了一次群體活動,來討論最近一個問題的解決方案。會議結束時,產生了多個意見, 并分成不同類別進行審查和分析。這使用的是哪種技術?

    A. 頭腦風暴

    B. 德爾菲技術

    C. 概念/思維導圖

    D. 親和圖

    13. The asphalt highway project that the project managing is 50% complete. The PM

    planned on having 4,000 square yards of asphalt placed by now, but in actuality. They have

    finished placing 8,000 square yards. The estimated cost forth is work was $1 per square

    yard.The actual cost for this work is $8,000.What does this tell the project manager?

    A.EV is 2.

    B.SPI is 2.

    C. SPI is 0.50.

    D. SV is 0.50.

    13. 項目經理管理的瀝青公路項目已完工 50%。項目經理原本計劃到現在為止鋪 4000 平方碼的瀝青。 而實際上他們已經鋪完了 8000 平方碼。這項工作的估算成本為 1 美元/平方碼,實際花費 8000 美元。 這告訴項目經理什么信息?

    A. EV=2.

    B. SPI=2.

    C. SPI=0.50

    D. SV=0.50.

    14. What is the critical path for the schedule show in the diagram?

    A. A-B-E-G

    B. A-B-F-G

    C. A-D-F-G

    D. A-C-F-G

    14. 圖中所示的進度計劃關鍵路徑是多少?


    A. A-B-E-G

    B. A-B-F-G

    C. A-D-F-G

    D. A-C-F-G

    15. A project manager hires a resource to develop a website. The resource abruptly quits without completing the work, and the project manager must hire another resource to complete the job. The newly hired resource changes the website's design, which overrides the original design. How should the cost associated with the first resource's work be described?

    A. Indirect cost

    B. Direct cost

    C. Sunk cost

    D. Variable cost

    15.項目經理聘請一位資源開發一個網站。該資源在沒有完成工作的情況下突然離職,項目經理必須 聘請另一位資源來完成這項工作,新聘請的資源更改網絡設計,覆蓋了原有設計。應如何描述與第一 位資源工作相關的成本?





    16. During the project's planning phase, the project manager completes the schedule. To determine the overall schedule flexibility, what tool or technique should the project manager use first?

    A. Crashing

    B. Resource leveling

    C. Critical path analysis

    D. Resource calendar

    16. 在項目規劃階段,項目經理完成進度計劃。若要確定總體進度計劃的靈活性,項目經理應該首先 使用下列哪一項工具或技術?

    A. 趕工

    B. 資源平衡

    C. 關鍵路徑分析

    D. 資源日歷

    17.Based on the calculated estimate at completion (EAC) ,what should the project manager do?

    A. Adjust the budget downward due to the trend toward cost overruns

    B. Re-baseline the schedule, as the project is under budget

    C. Adjust the budget upward due to the trend toward cost overruns

    D. Take actions to accelerate activities, as the project is under budget



    A. 由于存在成本超支的趨勢, 向下調整預算

    B. 由于項目低于預算,重訂進度計劃基準

    C. 由于存在成本超支的趨勢,向上調整預算

    D. 由于項目低于預算,采取行動加快活動

    18. The project' s total planned value is US$150,000, with 55%of the work yet to be completed. The actual money spent to date is US$90,000.What is the project' s to-complete performance index?

    A. 1.075. B. 1.125 C. 1.175 D. 1.375

    18. 項目的總計劃價值為 150,000 美元,還有 55%的工作還未完成,截止目前為止的實際自己花費達 到 90,000 美元。那么項目的完工所需績效指數是多少?

    A. 1.075 B. 1.125 C. 1.175 D. 1.375

    19.A project manager meets with the project sponsor, product line managers and sales representatives to determine the requirements for the next product release, It is determined that prioritization of the requirements will be based on the criterion that more than60 percent of meeting attendees support the decision. What decision-making technique is being used? A. Dictatorship

    B. Majority

    C. Plurality

    D. Unanimity

    19. 項目經理與項目發起人、產品直線經理和銷售代表開會,確定下一個產品版本的需求。會議確定 需求的優先順序將以超過 60%的與會者支持該決定的標準為基礎。這使用的是什么決策技術?

    A. 獨裁

    B. 大多數原則

    C. 相對多數原則

    D. 一致同意

    20. A project manager identifies and documents the specific actions that produce project deliverables by breaking down work packages activities. What document will be produced as a result?

    A. Resource breakdown structure (RBS)

    B. Activity resource requirements

    C. Milestone list

    D. Activity duration estimates

    20. 項目經理通過將工作包分解到活動中去,識別并記錄產生項目可交付成果的具體活動。結果將產生 哪一份文件?

    A. 資源分解結構 (RBS)

    B. 活動資源需求

    C. 里程碑清單

    D. 活動持續時間估算
