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    • 發布: 中公教育PMP培訓
    • 來源:PMP培訓
    • 2021-05-19 11:41:30
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    41. The customer of a recently implemented project requests the project manager investigate post ,implementation issues that cause business disruption and losses. The project manager explains to the customer that requests must be referred to the operations team , as the project is formally accepted .The customer does not agree and complains about the situation .

    To close this discussion, the project manager should do which of the following ?

    A. Ask the project team to evaluate the root cause, correct the issue , and document lessons learned.

    B. Review the closure documents, present them to the customer, and bring in the operations representative to proceed with issue resolution.

    C. Escalate the customer's complaint to the project sponsor to have resources assigned to resolve the issue.

    D. Review the risk management plan to determine if the issue was identified and planned in advance.

    一個最近實施項目的客戶要求項目經理調查導致業務中斷和損失的實施后問題,項目經理向客戶 解釋該請求必須轉給運營團隊,因為項目已正式驗收。客戶不同意并投訴這種情況。為結束討論,項目經理應進行下列哪一項?

    A. 要求項目團隊評估根本原因,糾正問題并記錄經驗教訓。

    B. 審查收尾文件,將其提交給客戶,并讓運營代表加入繼續問題解決過程。

    C. 將客戶的投訴上報給項目發起人,分配資源解決該問題。

    D. 審查風險管理計劃,確定是否提前識別和規劃該問題。

    42. A project manager completes the development of a software project one month ahead of schedule. An extra module, originally out of scope, now could be included. and the project could still the delivery deadline.

    What should the project manager do next?

    A. Move to the closing phase and save money for the organization.

    B. Initiate a change request to the change control board(CCB).

    C. Seek a decision from the project sponsor.

    D. Deliver the extra module.

    項目經理完成一個軟件項目的開發,讓進度計劃提前一個月。這使得現在可以將一個原本超出范 圍的額外模塊包含在內,并且項目仍然滿足交付期限。


    A. 進入收尾階段, 為組織節省資源。

    B. 向變更控制委員會(CCB)提交一份變更請求。

    C. 尋求項目發起人的決定。

    D. 交付額外模塊。

    43. A project manager newly assigned to an ongoing project, realizes that many change requests are still pending .What process should the project manager follow?

    A. Validate scope

    B. Control communications

    C. Direct and Manager Project Work

    D. Perform integrated change control

    項目經理剛剛被任命管理一個正在進行中的項目,了解到許多變更請求還未解決。項目經理應該 遵循下列哪一個流程?

    A. 核實范圍

    B. 控制溝通

    C. 指導與管理項目工作

    D. 實施整體變更控制

    44. Which of the following is true?

    A. An experienced Project Manager will avoid project that contain uncertainty

    B. There can be a project life cycle stage before the actual and approval to proceed with the


    C. Risk is always highest toward the end of a project when time is running out

    D. A project doesn't really finish because the product and/or services that were delivered need supporting


    A. —個有經驗的項目經理會避免含有不確定性的項目




    45. A project manager assumes a project for a company that is undergoing organizational changes and about to be restructured should the project manager do to ensure that the project is aligned with the company's goals and objectives?

    A. Obtain project charter approval

    B. Reach agreement at the kick-off meeting.

    C. Perform a gap analysis against the business case.

    D. Analyze the project against the company's mission, vision, and values.

    項目經理承擔一家公司的一個項目管理,但該公司正在進行組織變更且即將重組。若要確保該項 目與該公司的目的和目標保持一致,項目經理應該怎么做?

    A. 獲得項目章程的批準。

    B. 在項目啟動大會上達成協議。

    C. 按照商業論證進行差距分析。

    D. 按照該公司的使命、愿景、價值觀分析該項目。

    46. A project manager transitions the final product to the client and releases the project team. The client later calls the project manager and states that a new feature is required, what should the project manager do?

    A. Create a change request.

    B. Recall the project team members.

    C. Advise the client to initiate a new project.

    D. Inform the project steering committee.


    A. 創建變更請求。

    B. 召回項目團隊成員。

    C. 建議客戶啟動一個新項目。

    D. 通知項目指導委員會。

    47. All of the following are the responsibility of a project manager EXCEPT?

    A. Maintain the confidentiality of customer confidential information.

    B. Determine the legality of company procedures.

    C. Ensure that a conflict of interest does not compromise the legitimate interest of the


    D. Provide accurate and truthful representations in cost estimates.


    A. 為客戶的信息保密

    B. 決定公司的程序是否合法

    C. 確保利益沖突不會損害客戶的合法利益

    D. 在估算成本中提供準確可信的說明

    48. At the start of a project, the project manager finds that team members are key stakeholders are not in agreement with the project scope and the deliverables. To obtain the project team's commitment and agreement, what should the project manager do next?

    A. Send the project scope and agreed-upon deliverables to all stakeholders.

    B. Escalate the issue to senior management and request their support.

    C. Record the issue in the issue log and continue with project execution.

    D. Conduct a kick-off meeting with all key stakeholders and project team members.

    在項目開始時,項目經理發現團隊成員和關鍵相關方對項目范圍可交付成果的意見不一樣。為獲 得項目團隊的參與和一致意見,項目經理接下來該怎么做?

    A. 將項目范圍和一致同意的可交付成果發送給所有相關方。

    B. 將問題上報給高級管理層,并請求他們的支持。

    C. 在問題日志中記錄問題,并繼續執行項目。

    D. 為所有關鍵相關方和項目團隊成員一起召開項目啟動大會。

    49. To communicate the project management plan to key stakeholders, announce the start of the project, and share relevant information, what communication tool should the project manager use?

    A. Statue report

    B. Daily stand-up meeting

    C. Focus groups

    D. Kick-off meeting

    若要向關鍵相關方溝通項目管理計劃,宣布項目開始,并分享相關信息,項目經理應當使用什么 溝通工具?

    A. 狀態報告

    B. 每日站立會議

    C. 焦點小組會議

    D. 項目啟動大會

    50. A change request is approved by the change control board (CCB) what should the project manager do next?

    A. Execute the change

    B. Update the project baseline.

    C. Update the project management plan

    D. Notify the sponsor.


    A. 執行變更

    B. 更新項目基準

    C. 更新項目管理計劃

    D. 通知項目發起人
